I came to this thought twice this week, once as I was skimming an article for a class and the second time as I was playing my computer game (or “smoking crack”, as I like to call it)
I came to this thought twice this week, once as I was skimming an article for a class and the second time as I was playing my computer game (or “smoking crack”, as I like to call it)
Can there be a technology culture?
Perhaps. We need to first find out what culture is, and then see if the idea fits.
Here is the definition of culture from my very large dictionary:
I have included every bit of the definition because of the importance of the influence that our culture has had on the word itself. The ideas of changing and studying (entries 7 through 12) illustrate the anthropological view of study, where the observer changes the subject. We must remember that everything we study is changed when we study it; figuratively and/or literally.
Also, some of the entries have to do with the arts, which make them very relevant to what we are trying to find out.
However, first I will address the entries that have to do with the idea of culture as it exists within a certain group of people, entries 3, 4 and 5.
Entry 3: “a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period.”
This first entry describes culture as a part of a whole, as a period of time of a civilization. Can technology be a civilization? If we look at the Internet we can see the beginnings of a civilization, perhaps. So, what makes a civilization? We will look at the meaning found in the dictionary :
Before we get into the dictionary definition, we must take into account what is missing from the entry, and that is Place. In order to have a civilation with a culture, they must take up space or be somewhere. If we talk about a subculture, they co-exist with the rest of the dominant culture. So, can we find out if technology culture is a subculture or a emerging dominant culture? Perhaps, if we explore the idea of civilization.
When I think of the civilization in which technology culture resides, I begin to think about the Internet. Now, obviously, we have had technology since human-kind has begun to think (I am thinking about the invention of the wheel). So, technology culture existed before the internet but now resides in the internet. (has this happened before in "real time"?) So, let's get back to the Internet as a place with a civilization. When we think of a place we think of somewhere physical that we can move around in. Can we move around in the Internet? We can move around through information on the internet, certainly. We can't touch anything, unless we can count reading words and seeing images as touching something. There are also chatrooms in which we can talk to other people, not necessarily touch them, but we can talk to them. And who do we actually "touch" in real life? We shake hands, surely, and we make eye contact, sometimes, but can we have these things on the internet? Let me point you to the direction of multi-user dimentions or MUDs, where you can exist in a text world where everything exists in text form. This is a version of human contact that exists on the internet. You purchase space on a server to recieve email (from a "mailbox") and where you can build your webpage (where you have your "home" on the internet) So, in a sense, we can view it as a place.
Does it have a civilization? The definition calls for an advanced state of intellectual, cultural and material development in human society. There are places of intellectual development on the internet, such as online universities. Material development? Are there things created on the internet that only exist on the internet? Like I mentioned before, there is the internet provider that gives you access and space. At the moment I can think of internet games, where you purchase time on a game where you interact with the game and in turn interact with people through the game. You can buy and sell space to keep information, like a blog. If we talk about economy, I could allow Blogspot to advertise on this page, and I will recieve some of the money the advertisers pay for you to see their advertisement. There are online games in which you can make money in the game and sell it on Ebay (an amazing notion - actually quite dangerous to real-world economy). Perhaps it does not have a working economy, but it has a developing economy. Government? Politics? The internet, if viewed as a place or a civilization, may be a functioning example of Anarchy. If it is a place, it has no government, no unifying ideal.
On the internet, we deal in information and information only. If you exist on the internet, you exist as information. Which is why the information you find on the internet is often inaccurate. It's like going up to someone on the street in the real world and asking them "what is the exact circumferance of the earth" and expect them to have the correct answer.